• KBAR's Citana


    CITANA ,   What is special about her? Well she is the first cria at our ranch who has successfully been able to nurse from her own mom and another mom.  Our moms don't allow other crias to nurse from them, but she somehow convinced Sarasota to let her nurse at the same time as her own cria. 
    That would also explain why she was one of the biggest cria's that year.

    Citana is now expecting her first cria late May 2024. As with all of our breedings the male was grey and we are hoping for a grey from her. Wonder if she will let another cria nurse from her?

    Citana means "Star in the Sky", her mom is Milky Way and all but one of her crias have been named something that relates to stars and planets.

    DOB July 31, 2021

  • DQ'S Special

    DQ'S SPECIAL  guess who her mom is?   We have named many of DQ's crias after Dairy Queen items and this girl is just wow, so Special suited her for a name.

    Special is an absolutely stunning silver grey female, with great fibre who had her first cria the summer of 2023, and she was so beautiful and has great fibre we named her Special's Delight.

    Special is expecting her second cria August 2024, hoping for another grey girl.

    Special is often one of the first alpacas to greet our visitors. She is always ready for a handful of treats. She loves having the big hay bale all to herself when possible.

    DOB July 29, 2020

  • Goldilocks

    GOLDILOCKS or as Doug likes to call her - Fozzie Bear. Just look at her fibre and the colour how could she be anything but Goldilocks.

    Goldilocks is definitely another farm favourite not just by us but by the many guests that she delights with her gentle nudges.

    Goldilocks is very gentle, very curious and enjoys a nice scratch under her chin. Sometimes after she has been out around the guests for a bit and feels comfortable she will cush (lay down) and you can sit down beside her and pet her.

    She has great personality and is not anything like her mom, Michaa, who prefers to be left alone.

    DOB July 28, 2022

  • Harmony

    HARMONY, is another gorgeous grey that we are very proud of. Her mom, Serenity is one of our top breeding females. Harmony had her first cria last year, a beautiful bay black male named Harold.

    For Harold she was bred by Valiant's Last Stand who is also grey, so we really had hoped to get a silver grey cria from that pair. This year she is expecting her cria late July and was bred by another grey male, Centaur.

    Harmony is always excited to come out and take treats from visitors but isn't always as excited about being pet, which is very common with alpacas.

    DOB July 22, 2019

  • Iryna

    IRYNA, received her name through a FB post looking for suggestions, it was around the time the war against Ukraine had started. Iryna means Peace in Ukrainian, we felt that was the perfect name for her. It is pronounced EE ry na.

    Her photo is a bit misleading, under those brown tips her fibre is soft, fine and silver grey, just what we hoped for when we bred her silver grey mom Princess Emily to Kameron The Grey.

    Iryna will often come out for tours with with a few of the older girls.

    DOB August 1, 2021

  • Kit Kat

    KIT KAT,  was born in 2015. We had 13 crias that year and they were all named after candies or sweets.

    She is bit smaller than many of our females but she is one of the leaders of the herd. If she goes outside most of the girls follow her, if she goes inside again most if not all follow her.

    Kit Kat was our first grey alpaca to have blue eyes, she passed that trait on to her first cria, Princess Emily.

    DOB June 17, 2015

  • Kopy Kat

    KOPY KAT,  is shy with people but will often take a hand fed treat, and never one to cause a squabble with the other alpacas.

    Her colouring was so much like her mom – Kit Kat that we had to call her Kopy Kat. With her beautiful steel grey fibre she is part of our breeding program.

    Kopy Kat is expecting her first cria the end of July 2024. She was bred by Corruption, who is a very light silver grey. We can't wait to see what they criate.

    DOB July 18, 2020

  • Lady Grantham

    LADY GRANTHAM how does an adorable little cria get named after a main character in Downton Abbey? If you look at her straight on you can see she has the same round puffy eyes, tight little mouth and attitude as Violet Crawley, aka Lady Grantham. For those who don't know that show you might recognize her as Dame Maggie Smith.

    Lady Grantham is absolutely gorgeous, beautiful silver grey fibre over most of her body and a huge black spot on her back which is inherited from her grandad, Prince .

    Lady Grantham loves coming out for treats as long as her friends are with her.

    DOB July 3, 2023

  • O'dah ziibing

    O'DAH ZIIBING, is another one of our crias that was given her name by a friend of KBAR. Her name is Ojibwe and it means "Heart of the river", very suitable for the daughter of Pretty River.

    She is a pretty independent and will wander the pastures on her own or with DQ'S Special, but in the barn she is usually snuggled up close to one of the older girls.

    Her fibre is very dark brown, with lighter brown on the tips.

    O'dah ziibing is expecting her first cria in August 2024. she was bred by Corruption who is a light silver grey so hopefully she will criate a grey cria.

    DOB August 12, 2021

  • Paisley

    PAISLEY  has had her own fan club ever since she was named.
    The summer she was born we posted on FB that we had a female cria that needed a name. One of the suggestions was Paisley, from a lovely lady named Paisley, that got Carolyn thinking about the children's author Carolyn j Morris who had just started the “Railfence Bunch Kids” books, about girls in agriculture. Carolyn contacted Carolyn j and asked about naming this cria Paisley to tie in with her first book “Paisley's Pumpkin”.  Carolyn j thought it was a great idea.

    This summer Paisley had her first cria, a beautiful girl that looks very much like her; to carry with the name theme her daughter is Pumpkin.

    Paisley loves the extra attention she gets from visitors.

    DOB July 14, 2020

  • Paisley's Pumpkin

    Paisley's Pumpkin she was born with a fan club already waiting for her.

    As some of our alpaca friends know Pumpkin and her mom Paisley are named after the wonderful children's storybook Paisley's Pumpkin, by our friend Carolyn j Morris. Paisley is also named after her fan club leader, Paisley.

    Pumpkin is very inquisitive and checks out everything she hasn't seen before. She loves coming out for treats with her buddies Betsy, Delight, Kammie and Lady Grantham.

    Pumpkin is a beautiful two tone grey just like her mom, we were thrilled at how beautiful her fibre was from her first shearing.

    DOB August 1, 2023

  • Princess Sara

    PRINCESS SARA,  was the last cria of the season, we had run out of name ideas so we took the easy way out and combined parts of her parents name.
    Prince and mom is Sarasota (one of our top breeding females) and just like that she became Princess Sara.

    The young Princess has had a eventful life, she broke her leg when she was 6 months old, just at the time to be weaned from her mom but due to the stress of a broken leg we let her stay with mom an extra two months. We will tell you more about her leg and healing in her biography.

    Princess Sara also gets out and about. She went to the Owen Sound Library for story time when she was 1 year old. Our granddaughter went with us and they both made the front page of the Owen Sound newspaper.

    Princess Sara's has had two crias, both females one was brown the other silver grey.

    She is expecting her third cria July 2024.

    DOB August 1, 2018

  • Shanti

    Shanti has beautiful soft crimpy medium silver grey fibre that is oh so soft to touch.

    Shanti is shy and usually needs a bit of persuasion to come out for visits, but once she is out she loves treats and visits. Often she will lay in front of the gate to her pen making it difficult to get her to go back in when a tour is over. Her mom Sarasota is very shy and most of her crias tend to be shy until they have been weaned from her.

    Shanti usually stays close to her friend Pretty's Brook.

    Shanti means Peace in Sanskrit, and the name suits her.

    DOB August 2, 2022


    TINY TREASURE, is exactly what her name says. When she was born she was the smallest ever born here at just 13lbs. She was also Almond's last cria and we figured it would probably be her last, so she was Tiny and she was the last Treasure from Almond.

    Tiny is very special as she is our granddaughter's “pet” favourite alpaca.

    Tiny loves coming out for visitors and often hums impatiently if she has to wait a few minutes for her treats.

    DOB July 7, 2018

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